发表时间:2021-01-26     阅读次数:



Continuous Emission Monitoring

System for marine exhaust gas

Exhaust gas emissions from the maritime industry are subject to international and national laws and regulations.

It is required for ship owners to establish compliance with new environmental requirements.

Exhaust gas emissions from ships are subject to constantly stricter international, national and local regulations defined by the International Maritime Organization (MO).

ShipCEMS is designed to prove the compliance with the limits set for airborne pollution in MARPOL Annex VI.

Inspired by environmental concerns, ShipCEMS is designed to monitor and report traces of SO2, CO2 and other gas substances that are contributing to local and global emission challenges. Our ShipCEMS is the clever choice for ship owners to assure that the forthcoming IMO regulations for emission control areas are met.

The ShipCEMS design is based on a careful selection of maritime standard components;

hence ship movements, vibrations and temperature loadings are attended to during system design.

Our solution uses a heated sample treatment throughout to assure measuring the true composition of the exhaust gas.

ShipCEMS can be customised to individual requirements, covering all types of exhaust cleaning systems and all ship fuels from heavy fuel oil to low sulphur fuel oil or LNG fuelled ships.

ShipCEMS can be installed on all vessels, such as cruise ships, ferries, tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and offshore supply vessels.

● Continuous monitoring of SO2 and CO2

● NOX and Oxygen monitoring as options

● Extractive measuring technology for demanding applications

● Rugged design for marine environment and operations

● Continuous operation with automatic analyser calibration

● Low-cost maintenance, long service lifetime

● Measures on a dry basis (no need to measure moisture in exhaust gas).


